You can avoid entering credit card and getting charged while creating a new Apple ID by following a very simple trick.
On your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:
-- Open App Store and look for any ‘Free’ app. This can be any app that is available for free in the store such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail etc. It is important that you select a free app and not a paid one for this method to work.
On your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:
-- Open App Store and look for any ‘Free’ app. This can be any app that is available for free in the store such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail etc. It is important that you select a free app and not a paid one for this method to work.
-- Tap on the ‘Get’ button, which will turn to ‘Install’, tap on it again.
-- Next, App Store will show you a ‘Sign In’ menu.
-- Tap on the ‘Create New Apple ID’ button.
On the next screen,
-- Enter the details for your new Apple account and hit 'Next'.
-- Afterwards from the list of payment methods select the ‘None’ option.
-- Fill in other details and proceed as normal.
That’s it, you should be able to create a new Apple ID without entering credit card details or getting charged $1 right on your iOS device using this method.
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