Many people have been looking for ways to enable them use WhatsApp for free without paying a dime despite the fact that it was only meant to last for a year, WhatsApp finally makes the their app free for life.
A lot of functionalities has been added to WhatsApp which makes it more interesting when chatting. Also, the gist about paying $0.99 yearly has been removed making it free for use for life.
Well, I'm sure you are still expecting the video calling feature seen earlier to be added to WhatsApp next update and lots of features are still going to be added maybe.
A lot of functionalities has been added to WhatsApp which makes it more interesting when chatting. Also, the gist about paying $0.99 yearly has been removed making it free for use for life.
Well, I'm sure you are still expecting the video calling feature seen earlier to be added to WhatsApp next update and lots of features are still going to be added maybe.
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